วันเสาร์ที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550


Today I got up at 7.00 A.M. ,because in the morning

I had 2 classes. First is Taxation. Second is English for Law 2.

Afternoon I had 1 class that is Delict.Taxation didn't have

special ,but English for Law2 had something special in this day.

A. Jasper ordered us to write "Journal" on www.blogger.com .

I think blog is similar diary online. First I thought journal was

general story about myself ,but I thought wrong!! Journal is

writing about daily life that is special. Today I just understand.

I was very serious about my grade of journal before Midterm

Examination. I got D (^^") same my friends ,becouse I knew wrong

about journal meaning. Teacher said that I can improve my grade

of journal after Midterm .

That was the good new for me ^^ .

(( Teacher is very kind. ))

I will do the best.

In Delict calss, teacher cancel class today.

At night I read a fiction that is about love story.

( I sometimes read fantasy fiction.

Sometimes I read romantic fiction. )

The name of fiction is " Rayar Time Magic of Love " .

Then I read " American Crime Story ". I just to bought this book

last week. When I finished midterm examination

, I think I should to prepare about my studying.

Today I found hardly vocabularies

,and translated that.I think American Crime Story is easier

than The limitation , because The Limitation had many

hardly vocabularies. I can remembered.

When I read The limitation finished, I got the idea.

That is sometimes the real justice and the law are reverse.

We produced the law for controling society. If someone do illeal ,

he should receives the punishment.

We determine that everybody must do that law determine.

In the case og Mindy is the example.

The judge must to choose between the real justice and the law.

I think George decided yhe best way that use the limitation in

federal court five years. Afterthat, I went to internet shop

at 21.00 P.M.

(( I don't have computer in my dormitory. ))

Then I crated my blog .

My blog's name is http://kedsara19.blogspot.com.

I created this name ,becouse my name is Kedsara

,and my age is 19 years old.

This is the first time that I write diary online in English.

I will do the best. ^^

2 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Hey you!! Why did you encountered the actresses????

TTOTT Jealous!!!!
Your pic are pretty cute. ( If i tell you pretty fat!! I afraid you will kik me!!! )) (( kidding ^_^ ))

I think that why you....=__=... ???

-.,- tik who lovely....

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Its Definitely good bookmarking for future reference.