วันอาทิตย์ที่ 19 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550


On 19th August , 2007

, If you are Thai citizens

, you will have the right to vote

for approval or rejection

of the new draft Constitution of Thailand.

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Since the overthrow of the absolute monarchy in 1932,

Siam (today known as Thailand)

has had 17 constitutions and charters.

1. Temporary Charter for the Administration of Siam Act 1932

2. The Constitution of the Siam Kingdom 1932

3. The Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand 1946

4.The Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (Temporary) 1947

5. The Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand 1949

6. The Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand 1932 (Revised 1952)

7. Charter for the Administration of the Kingdom 1959

8. Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand 1968

9. Temporary Charter for Administration of the Kingdom 1972

10.Constitution for the Administration of the Kingdom 1974

11.Constitution for Administration of the Kingdom 1976

12.Charter for Administration of the Kingdom 1977

13.Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand 1978

14.Charter for Administration of the Kingdom 1991

15.The Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand 1991

The Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand 1997

The Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (Interim) 2006

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At 13.00 o’clock ,my mother and I went to use right for voting

about the new draft Constitution of Thailand at the polling booth.

This is my first time that I use my righ

,because I just 19 years old.

[[ In Thailand , Thai citizen who is over 18 years old

can use their right for electing in the country. ]]

At that time there are the people not much

because almost people came to the polling booth in the morning.

I was very excited.

Then my mother and I came back home

for watching News about the result.

วันเสาร์ที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550


Oh!! I was very tried. I just arrived to my home

at 19.00 o'clock. Now I stay at Chonburi.

Can you see my bag behind my back.

I came back home by bus.(Bangkok-Chonburi)

If you came to Chonburi by bus from Bangkok to Chonburi

,it's about 2 hours.

In the morning, I had to make up class World Civilization

at 8.00 o'clock.Then I held a meeting with my friends about

powerpoint of World Civilization.

We must present before Final Examination.

Afterthat , I ate breakfast at my dormitory.

At16.00 o'clock,I go out of my dormitory for coming back

to my home.I arrived to Chnburi at 18.00 o'clock.

My mather picked up me at " Chaleam Thai " department store.

Then my mother and I came to repair shop that repair the car.

My car just to bumped against with a motorcycle last week.

I didn't stay with my mother at that time.

My mother stayed with her friend.

My mother told me that ...

The women who drove the motorcycle very fast.

She didn't see my mother's car that being turn.

Then one car and one motorcycle bumped against.

The woman who drove the motorcycle was injured at her leg.

There was no dangerous. My mother and her friend were OK.

The ambulance took the women to the hospital.

Now she is OK. The insurance said my mother and the women

were wrong togather. My mother must pay 8,500 baht.

I think it is very good that my mother OK.

I am very care her . I love her very much.

Now we are going to eat dinner.

Bye I am going to update my block again tomorrow.

I didn't update my blok lastweek because I went to

Shisaket with my mother for visiting my grandfather

and my grandmother. At my grandmother's home

doesn't have hi-speed internet . There is only very

slowly internet ,so I cannot update my block.

I cannot update my block at my dormitory

because I didn't take mobile link to my dormitory.

(( I want to take the pictures in my mobile to my block.))

See you tomorrow. ><


Today I got up very late at 11.00 a.m.

,becouse I went to sleep late .

Now I stayed at Chonburi. I came back my home

at Chonburi yesterday. My mother and I planed

to go to the temple for making merit and virtue.

If I go to the temple ,I should to wear gentle cloth.

So I would wear green polo and white skirt.

At 1.00 p.m. ,

my mother and I went to the shop for buying

a Buddhist monk’s skirt and an outer robe of a Buddhistmonk.

( Comprising a single piece of yellow cloth

wrapped around the body. )

( Temple in Thai language is Wat. )

After that we went to an abbot's monk's cell.

We are lucky ,becouse the abbot stayed here.

Then my mother and I prostrated oneself to worshipBuddha.

Then I offered a Buddhist monk’s skirt and

an outer robe of a Buddhist monk to the abbot.

Before I offered that , I must to pray about offering.

Then I poured water for merit making at the big tree.

I dedicated my making merit and virtue this time

for my trouble-making person and my ancestor who died.

At 2.30 p.m.,

I donated conffin to the person who is died

,but without relatives and friends.

At 3.15 p.m. ,

my mother and I went to Lotus Shopping MAll

,becouse we wanted to buy consumer goods.

I saw a crowd , so I would walk to there.

I saw 3 stars.

( Left to right)

First is Pang On-jira who is very popular actress.

Second is Numwan who is a single.

Third is Jennie who is a single and an actress.

They came to Lotus for promoting " LUX ".

I think Numwan is the most beutiful.

She is very pretty.

After that my mother and I came back home.

At 8 p.m., I read American Crime Story in chapter 3 .

When I finished read that chapter,

I played game online and updated my blog.

Today I am very happy that making merit andvirtue~*


Today I got up at 7.00 A.M. ,because in the morning

I had 2 classes. First is Taxation. Second is English for Law 2.

Afternoon I had 1 class that is Delict.Taxation didn't have

special ,but English for Law2 had something special in this day.

A. Jasper ordered us to write "Journal" on www.blogger.com .

I think blog is similar diary online. First I thought journal was

general story about myself ,but I thought wrong!! Journal is

writing about daily life that is special. Today I just understand.

I was very serious about my grade of journal before Midterm

Examination. I got D (^^") same my friends ,becouse I knew wrong

about journal meaning. Teacher said that I can improve my grade

of journal after Midterm .

That was the good new for me ^^ .

(( Teacher is very kind. ))

I will do the best.

In Delict calss, teacher cancel class today.

At night I read a fiction that is about love story.

( I sometimes read fantasy fiction.

Sometimes I read romantic fiction. )

The name of fiction is " Rayar Time Magic of Love " .

Then I read " American Crime Story ". I just to bought this book

last week. When I finished midterm examination

, I think I should to prepare about my studying.

Today I found hardly vocabularies

,and translated that.I think American Crime Story is easier

than The limitation , because The Limitation had many

hardly vocabularies. I can remembered.

When I read The limitation finished, I got the idea.

That is sometimes the real justice and the law are reverse.

We produced the law for controling society. If someone do illeal ,

he should receives the punishment.

We determine that everybody must do that law determine.

In the case og Mindy is the example.

The judge must to choose between the real justice and the law.

I think George decided yhe best way that use the limitation in

federal court five years. Afterthat, I went to internet shop

at 21.00 P.M.

(( I don't have computer in my dormitory. ))

Then I crated my blog .

My blog's name is http://kedsara19.blogspot.com.

I created this name ,becouse my name is Kedsara

,and my age is 19 years old.

This is the first time that I write diary online in English.

I will do the best. ^^